Do you constantly feel as though you give so much of yourself to everyone else that you feel drained and have difficulty caring for your own needs?
Do you find that when you are in need of support, you don’t seem to receive it from the important people in your life?
Do you find yourself feeling that sensation of ‘walking on eggshells’ around others as you try so hard to make them happy and fear being the target of their anger and disappointment?
Do you experience conflict with others that seems to constantly involve circular arguments and lacks resolution?
Are you plagued by thoughts of not being ‘good enough’ for others?
Do you blame yourself when things go wrong in your relationships?
If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, you are likely to be a caring, empathic individual who is feeling trapped in negative relationship patterns that are hurting your sense of self worth.
As a therapist who specializes in working with clients who are naturally more ‘others’ focused and have learned to relegate their needs to the bottom of the list (if it’s on the list at all!), I empower clients to gain a better understanding of how and why they operate in relationships and work with clients to strengthen their assertiveness and boundary-protecting skills for the purpose of developing a strong sense of identity and establishing mutually supportive and loving relationships.
Have You Identified Your Parent, Partner, Or Friend As Having Traits of a Personality Disorder?
When people are born from and/or enter relationships with those who display a high level of narcissistic traits, the resultant relationships can have devastating consequences, most importantly, a lack of identity formation (in adult children of narcissists) and identity confusion (in those with narcissistic friends or partners).
As a therapist with vast knowledge of, and experience with, the diagnosis and treatment of personality disordered behavior, I am passionate about helping those who have identified their parents, partners, and/or friends as having narcissistic and/or borderline personality traits to recover from the psychological trauma caused by those relationships and to support them in the development and protection of their unique personal identities.